VISION 2025 - financial campaign

Loving & Preparing the Next Generation

TRANSFORMING FAMILY TREES WITH THE GOSPEL. It's our belief in this mission that continues to drive us into the next chapter of the Fieldstone story.

As a church, we've been given some gifts that many local churches long for. One of those gifts is our property & facilities, which are nothing to take lightly. It affords us the opportunity to gather & worship freely in a place we can call home.

Our biggest gift, however, is the gift of the Next Generation. God has entrusted many young families into our care, and we have an opportunity now to tangibly care for those gifts in a sacrificial way.

Please continue to scroll to learn more about how you can be a part of this exciting campaign!

The Project


  • 3500 sq. ft. addition dedicated to Fieldstone Kids
  • Secure Kids check-in area
  • Designated space for nursing mothers
  • New age-specific classrooms
  • Outdoor play area
  • Opportunity to repurpose the existing Fieldstone Kids space on the north side of the building


  • A long-overdue project that helps ensure the safety & longevity of our current building.
  • This part of the project emphasizes the care & stewardship of the gift God has given us in our building & property

Project Cost

Design & Construction drawings           $  100,000

Roof replacement                                  $  200,000

New kids wing                                      $1,200,000

TOTAL CAMPAIGN                              $1,500,000

We certainly have financial goals for this campaign. However, our biggest prayer is that God would take each person & family, and our church as a whole, to new levels of faith and generosity in our pursuit of Jesus.

Ultimately, through this campaign, we want to see things happen that only God can take credit for!

How To Participate

In The Campaign

We dream of 100% church family participation - not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice.

Here's how you can be part of this movement of generosity:

  • Next Steps

    Give Happily

    Find joy in the opportunity to see lives changed through Jesus. Your gift can be a part of the amazing story God is writing through Fieldstone.

    Give Generously

    Not everyone can give the same amount, but we can all give sacrificially. Offer according to how God has blessed you.

    Give Prayerfully

    Pray for wisdom as you steward what God has entrusted to you. Ask Him to guide your giving and to bless Fieldstone through this campaign.

  • How To Give

    One-Time Gift

    Make an impact right away by making a significant cash donation now.

    Monthly Commitment

    Spread your giving over a 24-month period, going above & beyond your normal Giving amount.

    Special Donations

    Contribute additional gifts at different times throughout the campaign to help build momentum.

Give/Pledge to the Campaign

Pledge Sunday - March 16

We will be having special celebration services on Sunday, March 16. We will be asking each individual/family to bring their pledge cards with them to turn in as we celebrate what God has done (and will do!) as we step out in faith.

Set Up Donations

1. Click the blue button below. A new window will open to the Giving Center.


2. Input the amount you would like to donate, along with the frequency of your donation.

3. In the dropdown menu, make sure "Vision2025-Building Fund" is selected.

4. Input your payment information.

(Keep in mind, EBTs will have smaller fees than credit card transactions, and physical checks mailed will have no fees. We highly recommend this option for large one-time donations.)

5. Click "Give Now" to finalize your donation. If you have any questions, please contact us at

*For those who are already Giving to Fieldstone Church, we ask that donations to the Vision 2025 Campaign be given above & beyond your regular tithes & offerings.

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A huge THANK YOU to those who have prayed and helped with the planning this campaign/project:

*Our pastors & Leadership Teams (see the "Our Story" section of the website for info on our Deacons & Elders)

*Our Building Committee: Gary & Linda Heath, John & Rebekah DuBois, Josh & Megan Bunton, Mandy Furlong, Cheryl Taylor

What is a "financial campaign"?

A financial (or "capital") campaign is a church-wide, concerted effort to raise funds for a special project.

What is the plan for funding this project?

We plan to utilize cash donations, pledges, and financing. Our goal is for our loan to be under $1million by the end of the 2-year campaign.

Is my Giving tax deductible?

Yes. Fieldstone, in addition to being a church, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations to this campaign will be included in end-of-year Giving reports along with regular tithes & offerings.

Should I redirect my regular Giving to this campaign?

Please do not. Regular Giving goes to support our annual budget, which allows us to meet the needs of our ministries, missionaries, building & grounds, and our pastors/staff. We are asking that this campaign be funded by sacrificial gifts above and beyond your regular Giving. Your financial commitment will help us move beyond what our operating budget allows.

How long to do I have to fulfill my commitment?

Your commitment will spread over 24 months. You can give weekly, monthly, or in a one-time gift.

What is the process of Giving?

1. Review the campaign materials.

2. Take time to pray and hear from God. If you're married, pray and discuss your gift with your spouse. If you have children, involve them in the process too as this may be their first chance to consider what God tells us about generosity.

3. Fill out a pledge card and plan to turn it in by Sunday, March 16. There will be online options as well throughout the campaign.

Campaign Updates

Check here for periodic updates on how the campaign and project are going. As we receive questions from individuals throughout the coming weeks & months, from time to time we will compile those questions and upload a video with answers to the most common questions in bulk.