Fieldstone Church

Transforming family trees with the gospel

The Fieldstone Story

Fieldstone: "An architectural stone taken from the topsoil and used in its natural shape. Though historically overlooked and underutilized, it is often called upon as a trustworthy foundation and source of strength when all other resources are exhausted or inadequate."

That sounds to us like small town America. That sounds to the Church.

The journey began in the Powell family. Even as Justin & Cathi experienced tremendous opportunities to serve in churches in a variety of roles, they always believed that God would ultimately call Justin to be the Lead Pastor of a church. In the summer of 2016, God began to stir in their hearts the call to plant a brand new church, with the vision of reaching families in Milan, Dundee, and the entire region of SE Michigan. On September 17, 2017, a year of praying, dreaming, and planning came to fruition as Fieldstone Church held its first service.

And now after the rollercoaster ride of launch season, and then holding tight through the covid years, our church continues to grow and regularly celebrates transforming spiritual decisions being made by people of all ages & backgrounds.

And as many of us have experienced, raising a family is an extremely vital season of life. Couples are essentially creating brand new family trees! These families are establishing their values and priorities, and are setting the course for the next 3-4 generations (or more). Unfortunately, so many are getting off course and forming destructive patterns that will be passed on to their children and grandchildren. A church that reaches those families with the Gospel will transform not just lives, but entire family trees.

That is our mission, and it's a belief in that mission that continues to drive us. Like you, we have experienced the ability of our family trees to impact our lives both positively and negatively, and we want to help individuals and families experience the power of God at the center of their lives. 

Welcome to our story! We would be honored to have you make it part of your story as well.