Ways To Connect

We've got some things that happen on a regular basis to help you Get Small or Get Away, but we've also got some special events that pop up on the calendar. We'll list the basics for you here, but be sure to follow our Instagram and/or Facebook page (@fieldstonemilan) to stay current on what's coming up and how to get involved!*

Compassion Ministry of Milan - Saturday, June 15

Folks from our church serve together at Compassion (120 Hack St) on the 3rd Saturday of each month. From 9:00am-Noon on those days, we help distribute food to families in need who come from all over SE Michigan. It's a great spot to serve for the whole family!

Worship Together Weekend - Sunday, June 30

It's time for another Worship Together weekend at Fieldstone! On these special Sundays, we're excited to invite all our kids to join their families in the Auditorium. We will have high-energy music, a kid-friendly Talk, and lots of grace for your wiggliest of wiggle-worms! Fieldstone Kids rooms will not be open, but the Nursery will be available as normal for both services.

Fieldstone Kids Water Weekend - Sunday, July 7

It's summer! And it's hot! So our Fieldstone Kids are gonna cool off on this special Sunday! The PreSchool & Elementary groups will be doing some outdoor water activities during both services, so please plan on your kids getting a little bit wet. Contact our Fieldstone Kids Director Christy Aunins with any questions (kids@fieldstonechurch.org).

Forever Young Event - Tuesday, July 16

Save this date! Do you find yourself in the 50+ age range? We're planning an  of fun & fellowship this summer and you're invited! This will be a great chance to connect with other great folks from Fieldstone who are enjoying this awesome season of life. More details coming soon. Contact info@fieldstonechurch.org or Brenda Kempher (brendakempher@gmail.com) if you have any questions.

Compassion Ministry of Milan - Saturday, July 20

Folks from our church serve together at Compassion (120 Hack St) on the 3rd Saturday of each month. From 9:00am-Noon on those days, we help distribute food to families in need who come from all over SE Michigan. It's a great spot to serve for the whole family!

Ladies Night - Tuesday, July 23

Join us from 7:00-9:00pm for another night of fun & encouragement with other ladies from around Fieldstone! We're going to be outside at the Fieldstone Pavilion and taking part in a very light, low-impact workout, so dress for the occasion. We promise it'll be a great experience as we wrap up with some snacks around the campfire. If you have questions, reach out to Cheryl Taylor (cheryl@allie.org) or Amy Sielaff (asielaff74@gmail.com).

Child Dedications - Sunday, Aug 11

It's always a special time when we take a portion of our services to watch families commit to raising their young children in the faith, and to commit as a church to partner with them on the journey. If you are interested in having your child dedicated on that day, please let us know at kids@fieldstonechurch.org or fill out a Connection Card on Sunday morning.

Adult Small Group Sign-Ups - August 18-September 15

Believe it or not, the fall ministry season will quickly be upon us and it'll be another great chance to Get Small! Beginning Sunday, Aug 18, you'll be able to sign up for Adult Small Groups. We'll have printed sheets available each week after church, and you can also complete an interest form at fieldstonechurch.org/GetSmall. Let us know if you have any questions on a Connection Card or at info@fieldstonechurch.org.

Compassion Ministry of Milan - Saturday, Aug 17

Folks from our church serve together at Compassion (120 Hack St) on the 3rd Saturday of each month. From 9:00am-Noon on those days, we help distribute food to families in need who come from all over SE Michigan. It's a great spot to serve for the whole family!

*For information on events specifically for Students, visit fieldstonechurch.org/Students